Multi-Sensory Training (MST) at MindSync

A proven, non-invasive intervention designed to help the brain learn or relearn multi-sensory processing. This impactful 30-day program provides development and retraining for all ages and stages of life. It is a powerful program for the overall care of those with many conditions ranging from autism and ADHD to concussions and traumatic brain injuries.

Important For Health and Wellness

The first brain skill that we learn is multi-sensory processing. This refers to the ability to filter, modulate, and integrate the multiple senses our brain receives from the environment. This skill should be learned by about age 3. But traumas, toxins, viruses/infections or other events often prevent or disrupt this normal development. Delays or damage in fundamental multi-sensory processing causes the “new” brain (the neocortex) to have to put forth higher levels of effort and energy into this lower-level brain function which it is not designed to perform. This results in frustration, anxiety, inattention, avoidance behavior, brain fog, poor memory, speech difficulty and more.
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Multi-Sensory Training at MindSync Can Help Those With…

  • ADHD/Learning difficulties
  • Anxiety/Depression
  • Autism Spectrum Disorders
  • Chronic dizziness/imbalance
  • Concussions
  • Lyme/Co-infections
  • PTSD
  • Sensory Processing Disorders
  • Strokes
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries

MST is also a great tool for high performing students, athletes, and leaders in the business world!

“Multi-Sensory Training has been a game changing intervention for our teen son who has struggled with anxiety, OCD and tics since he was a toddler. It has helped to reset his nervous system, taking him out of a constant state of fight-or-flight. This is key for anyone looking to overcome health obstacles and achieve wellness. It’s the best tool that I have found since we started our healing journey over 15 years ago. He has greater confidence, more vitality and an increased sense of calmness.”

— Maija Giganti, Co-Founder, MindSync

Benefits of MST at MindSync

Those who complete Multi-Sensory Training commonly report improvements in:
  • Calmness
  • Better Focus
  • Emotional/Behavioral Regulation
  • Enhanced Memory
  • Greater Confidence
  • Increased Receptive/Expressive Language
  • Advancements in Reading/Learning
  • Gains with Speech Ability and Articulation
  • Improved Coordination
  • Reduction with sleep issues
  • Social Awareness Skills
  • Executive Functioning Abilities
  • Sensory Modulation
  • Mental Flexibility

*Please note that each client case is unique and results cannot be guaranteed.

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Enhance and accelerate the impact of other therapies and interventions

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Improve professional focus, strategic thinking and productivity

Support rehabilitation for post-concussion syndrome

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Experience life as never before

How It Works

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Book Your FREE 15-min Consult

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Schedule Your Customized Program

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Begin Seeing Results

“This type of therapy proves effective irrespective of the age of the client, and across a wide spectrum of chronic developmental delays, brain damage, and behavioral disorders.”

— Selwyn Super, Dr. Optometry, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Southern California

Begin living the life you want to have.